With the WasteMINZ 2024 Conference on the horizon, our excitement grows as we prepare to dive into a realm where sustainability meets innovation. As attendees, here’s how we plan to make the most of this enriching experience.

This year’s theme is , “Kei ō tātou ringaringa te anamata – The future is in our hands,”. Our goal is to immerse ourselves in the different sessions. These sessions explore waste composition and gas regeneration, circular economy, behavioural change, kerbside collections, and so much more. The tricky part is going to be picking which session to go to!

The first step in our conference prep involves meticulously reviewing the schedule to highlight keynotes and workshops that align with our goals. We are particularly interested in the discussions around the built environment, let’s get technical, better together, and some others. Mapping out our days ensures we won’t miss critical sessions we are interested in.

With hundreds of professionals from across the waste management spectrum attending, setting clear networking objectives is crucial. We plan to connect with key influencers, potential collaborators, and technology providers. Preparing questions and discussion topics in advance will help us initiate meaningful conversations and make lasting connections.

To conclude…

As we gear up to attend WasteMINZ 2024, we are excited to learn and connect. This conference is more than just an event; it’s a stepping stone towards a sustainable future, and we are ready to be a part in shaping it. Ready to dive into a world where sustainability meets innovation? See you there!

Till next time,

Team Hi-Tech Packaging